Tuesday 13 October 2009

The Good Girls................ Fabric Card

It's been a while, so here's another Loralie fabric card. If you want to know your nearest stockist of Loralie fabric there is a button on the sidebar linking you to the site, you can't buy there, but there is a 'find your nearest stockist' button
Made in the usual way - roughly cut around the image, swipe the back liberally with a glue stick, stick to white cardstock and smooth down with a bone folder, leave to dry, cut out and use as you would any other image

I really love this sentiment stamp, it's made by Inkadinkadoo. I inked the edges of some white prima flowers, and added a bit of bling

This little lady looks to me as if she has far too much going on in her life to write a diary.......... she's obviously getting ready for a pretty hot night out

I have taken the plunge and ordered a Gypsy - lots of you will know all about the Gypsy, those of you who don't have a cricut machine won't have a clue - I don't have much of a clue either, I have a vague hope that it will put a stop to my lugging cartridges and handbooks backwards and forwards across the Atlantic. It's electronic, you need your computer to get it working, and it is, therefore, an absolute certainty that it's going to give me grief. Even though I have to wait for it to be shipped, I have already been and bought a cute little jacket thingy to put on it when it arrives. No matter that I won't have a clue what to do with it, at least my machine will be well dressed. Another 'watch this space' moment


  1. Gorgeous card :-)The image is fab and the sentiment is perfect !! This really made me smile :-)

    Lorraine x x

  2. The card is absolutely marvellous and the sentiment fits to the images as if it was made for it....

  3. that sentiment is too cute.. as well as the card.. can't wait to see what you think of the gypsy.

  4. Enfys I just love these fabric cards, and yes she definately looks like she doesn't have a diary. I have just been to their site and found there is a store near me thats stocks this fabric, can't believe it, going to have to check that out.

    Kaye x

  5. oh love this brilliant image and great sentiment too love cheryl x

  6. Oh she's a right sassy mare! Love that sentiment too, perfect with her. Can't wait to see what your best dressed gypsy does lol. As you can see i'm back on line yah!!!

  7. this is one sassy lady and love the sentiment...big hugs kath xxxxx

  8. Yay Enfys, you have joined the Gypsy crowd! There is a learning curve for sure, but so far I love mine! Biggest tip I can give you is to follow the "Getting Started" guide on the board...step by step! It will help get you to the point of creation. When I am at home I still use my DS but as I learn the G more I will probably lean that way.

  9. I just love that fabric image. You do a beautiful job with them. Great sentiment, too.

  10. Great card En,
    The sentiment is quite funny and the flowers are so pretty.
    If anyone NEEDS the Gypsy, it's definately you, with all your trips back and forth across the Atlantic! I don't have one myself, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it (all those gals on the MB can't be wrong)


  11. Lovely card with a wonderful girl...
    bye bye,Lean.

  12. Love the sentiment and the image is perfect. Good luck with the Gypsy it will truly save you luggage space. Sandi

  13. Fantastic card, En. you know how I love these images! You are going to love the gypsy. it doesn't do everything that DS system does but you can mix all your carts on one card and print everything out! No more schlepping carts. there are tons of great instructional videos on youtube from our blogging friends. If I can answer any questions I'll be happy to. hugs eileen

  14. Good for you! I imagine that the gypsy will be the best thing since sliced bread for you. Now you can leave all the carts in one place! So does anyone else want to know which sleeve you bought? I'd guess the cherry one... Am I right?
    Love the card...I always do. TFS

  15. I lifted your last fabric cards and ordered some Loralei fabric from Ebay; however, the images were huge compared to yours - but I just made a tall, skinny card and put the ladies on anyway! My friends LOVED them - I used Shimmerz which really added a nice touch! THANKS FOR THE IDEA!!!!

  16. Yay! love your fabric cards En, this is a stunner. :)xx

  17. Hi Enfys wow that card is a stunner, and so true, I think I must be a very bad girl, other than my blog I dont keep a diary. With love and hugs Shirleyuxxxxxxx

  18. OMG! Not only do I love the sentiment but your gal is definitely not the diary type. I love the whole card and the fabric idea is too fun. I hope our store has something like this. My Mom would really get a laugh out of a card like this (having 4 daughters). Thanks for making my day.

  19. I LOVE is En. What a fab image - it's awesome. Hope all is well with you and speak soon. Biggest hugs xxxx

  20. oooh en, another wow card hunny, love her pink toenails!!!! thankyou for the link too, i will have to have a nosey there.

  21. what an awesome card. that lady does crack me up!!! great sentiment!

  22. Brilliant card En . . really made me smile . . just love it.


  23. oh my, everytime i see your fabric cards....i am wowed...love this..hugs

  24. I LOVE your fabric cards En! Even bought some fabric but have yet to try. this gal is priceless and so is the sentiment. ToO CUTE! xxD

  25. This is too funny! I have to ask myself if I'm a good girl or a bad girl...which one are you...LOL!

  26. Gorgeous .. just love these ladies .. going to your sidebar right now and look up lorilee

    congrats on your gypsy .. i haven't takent the plunge yet although it may go on my christmas list

  27. Love this card!

    I can't wait to hear your review of the Gypsy. I'm skeptical if I'll use it since I love to do detailed work and flipping between mat views already drives me nuts. But I'm waiting to be convinced due to the portability.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x