Friday 25 September 2009

Halloween for Polkadoodles

This week, we could use any image we liked for the Polkadoodle challenge as long as we coloured it in ourselves, rather than using one of the many already coloured images on the CD's. I used the Halloween download (so did quite a few of the others on the design team), that purple background paper is so cute with all the little dangling spiders with the big eyes. If I think spiders are so cute, why did I rush to get a can of lethal spray to dispatch one that was sitting on my doorstep when we arrived home tonight. It was the size of a horse - well, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it was big, and is hopefully now very dead, I am too scared to go and see in case it is mad with me and runs into the house.........
Back to the card, all the images, and sentiment are from the download. Polly is coloured with copic markers, the edge of the mat was punched with the famous Martha Stewart drippy goo border punch. Love the way the cat has his little mask and cloak on, all ready to go trick and treating.
To join in and see all the other samples, go to Polkadoodles - Ruth has done two great tutorials on colouring for you this week as well

I have done two commissions for the November issue of Creativity magazine, a new magazine for me, and I had an email asking for a mug shot. The one on the blog wouldn't do, too small (the smaller the better as far as I am concerned). So I got Anne to take a few, she assures me this is a good photo. Good grief, do I really look like this? I look like someone who has escaped from an asylum and is grinning maniacally, and what's the matter with my eyes, are they always that squinty? Why is this image nothing like the image I have in my head? Anyway, as I was under pressure to send it in, this is the one that will be printed (hopefully in postage stamp size) in the next edition. I know you would all rather see the cards, but that will have to wait - for now


  1. Photos of me are that bad (got some ok ones when I got married!) that is why I use the wrapped up one hehehehehe!!

    Fab card - love the drippy stuff!

  2. fabulous spooky card En and hey your pic is great....big hugs kath xxxxx

  3. Fabulous card, love all the images and great halloween colours.
    Your photo isn't that bad, look forward to seeing it in the new mag.

  4. HAHAHAHA,no that´s not far its a lovely picture of you.....don´t worry.The card is great also.
    Have a nice weekend,Lean

  5. I think it is a lovely photo and look forward to getting the mag. Great Halloween card, pity we don't do Halloween as I wuld love to make those type of cards.

    BTW voting at Karels ends on the last day of the month so fingers crossed for me.

  6. Great card En, and I love the mugshot. Looking forward to seeing you in print along with the scrummy cards I know you will have done.
    MAX x

  7. Fab card Enfys, the cat looks great, already to go out and scare some unsuspecting person. Hope the spider is well and truly dead by now. Your picture looks just fine, and you don't look like you escaped from an asylum at all.

    Kaye x

  8. You're crazy En! I'd say that's quite the glamour shot! We always are critical of our own photos aren't we? I think I look preggers in the Swarm pix. Notice they're not posted yet. LOL Congrats on the new mag gig and I LOVE this card. That kitty in the mask just cracks me up! Adorable! xxD

  9. Enfys your card is `Spooktacular `
    and your photo is fantastic!!!
    You are `gorgeous`......TFS
    Have a fab Day :)x

  10. Hi Enfys, I love your Halloween card, its really spooky and someone is going to love that. You could do with my hubby, as soon as I see a huge spider he comes with his little plastic box and takes it away for me and pops it out the front door. By the way I loved your article in the magazine, I enjoyed it very much. The photo is stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  11. Great Card Enfys! And there's nothing wrong with that photo, none of us look like we think we do. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think "Who the he.. is that and what did you do with my image? I mean I had my 60th birthday, I've got to look 60 don't I? Thanks for lettng us know about the mag. I'll be looking for it.

  12. congrats, great photo and adorable card. Hugs

  13. You are very beautiful. That is a great picture of you. Your sweet kind cardmaking soul shows right through your eyes.

  14. Gosh Enfys you are far too hard on yourself, I think that pic is a lovely one of you and there ain't nothing wrong with my eyes lol. Anne did an excellent job. The card is wonderful and I will have to get that Martha Stewart punch now lol.

  15. What a fabulous creation!! I just adore Halloween and these colors!! You're always so creative with your work!! Congrats on your news and I think your "mug shot" looks very lovely dear!! HUGS

  16. I think you look great we are always our worse critic LOL Congrats!!!
    thanks for dropping by my blog I couldnt believe someone noticed I havent been on means alot to me
    my MIL has been sick so I was taking care of her and than my neighbor needed me etc but trying to get back in the swing and think I lost my mojo so going to look for it now LOL

  17. Great card! and a GREAT picture! It's true that we are our own worse critics - your picture is beautiful! TFS!

  18. I think we all hate our own photos, but you look lovely. Maybe the squintiness comes from all the sun in FL?

  19. Hi Enfys just want to `Thankyou`
    Hope you and the Grandbabys are all well..Big Loves:)xxxxx

  20. Your Picture is great! Very pretty. Your card is very nice.

  21. Enfys, love your card and you too! You are so talented and so very funny. You always make me laugh. I love your photo by the way!!

  22. Great card Enfys, love Halloween but we don't really do it justice here in the UK!!
    Love you piccy too - lovely smile not manic and it's much prettier than your little one! Lol xxxx

  23. Such a spookalicious card En and why do you worry about your pic when you are such an attractive lady!!! Stop pulling yourself to pieces missus!!
    Can't wait for the mag
    Lana x

  24. Oh Enfys, you are so precious.. and your photo is great as well as your card, I love the look of that cat. I wish I could color with my copics, my pictures never turn out that good...I would be afraid of that spider sneaking in too.

  25. Great card! Thanks for the comments on my blog - it's my first visit to yours but it won't be my last :o)

    Oh, and it's a nice photo, but I know how you feel, I really hate pics of me!

    Lisa x

  26. Gorjus gorjus gorjus work Enfys. I love the Halloween colours.

    Love Karen x

  27. Fabby Halloween card Enfys.Love your pic too.
    Cass xxx

  28. I think you look wonderful! Happy and maybe slightly drunk. I find that life is better this way.

  29. Oh Enfys you make me laugh! Your photo is great.. you got it going on, girl!

    Your card is super cute! Love the little cat with the mask.. how cute is that?!?!?!

    Just for good measure, you might want to have someone go step on the spider just to make sure... :)

  30. Fab photo En! Hope the spider is well and truly a gonner! Gorgeous card and that little cat dressed up for Halloween is just so cute!

  31. Despite what you say, I think the picture of you is GREAT! Love the card too. Can't help but smile at the critter behind the mask!
    Kelly :)

  32. Congratulations on your pending publications. The photo looks fine, but I don't think we ever really like our own photos do we?

    Love the card,


  33. i love halloween and this card is fabulous! love all those lovely colors together too! hugs!

  34. Wow Congrats! And you picture is beautiful girl!

  35. Enfys,
    As far as I can see you are beautiful inside and out...I have 20/20 vision...Great card..Krista


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x