Friday 3 July 2009

Polkadoodles Card and a Sneek Peek

Here's my card for the Polkadoodle challenge this week, the DT were asked to use the cherry paper (mine is on the inside of the card) and a hidden element. I cut a cherry card out using the Cricut and Hello Kitty cartridge

a card wouldn't be complete for me without a bit of gingham....................
and here's my hidden element, I cut two extra cherries and attached them with a brad so they swing out to reveal the birthday message

I appeal, beg, plead with you to enter the challenge this week. Why? Because I did the blog post for this week, and if nobody takes up the challenge it will be because I am a rubbish bloggy cheerleader! All you have to do is make a card with fruit on it somewhere, and a hidden element. Lots of ideas on how to do that on the blog
Here's a sneaky peek at one of my cards in Papercraft Inspirations magazine this month. The brief was to make a best friend card using a cute animal. I made this frog out of ovals and circles and think he is quite cute

his legs were drawn freehand, and I punched some circles to add a few spots

I went to the Bear Factory yesterday, those of you without children/grandchildren won't know that this is a shop devoted entirely to stuffed bears, you choose an empty bear, get him stuffed, you can buy clothes for them, and when you carry them home you are given a little box (and an adoption certificate!) that makes it look as if you are taking your cat to the vet.
Anyway, I had bought one for Kiki and Max, so thought I had better get one for the babies, although Max has never taken much of an interest, being far too devoted to his Ellie, and Kiki only recently took an interest after discovering that if she jumped up and down on her bear, my voice came out (plus a bit of stuffing every time) - yes, you buy a little cartridge, go into a little soundproof box and record a message which is sewn inside the bear. So my bear says something like 'night night darling, God bless, I love you', or some such grandmotherly type mush, and my voice sounds incredibly awful on the recording. Back to the present day...........I chose my bears, and took them to one of the sales assistants, who was busy sorting out little football outfits for the bears (honestly!), she glanced up for a nanosecond and said,' I haven't got time to stuff them, you can do it yourself though' - no time! What's more important, giving birth to two new little bears, or hanging up 4" football shirts? So off I wandered with my two sad little empty bears to the stuffing machine, You put the bear over the spout and press a lever with your foot. Sounds easy? I put the first bear on and pressed, wow, does that stuff come out quickly! Soon his body was so inflated, I couldn't get to the legs and arms, so I furtively took some of the stuffing out, there was nowhere to put it, so I sort of stuffed it behind the machine, quite a lot fell on the floor, and quite a lot went all over the black trousers I was wearing. Try again, this time, he looked as if he had sausages for legs, one was much bigger than the other, his arms were mishapen and he developed a hump and a beer gut. More stuffing on the floor, more on me. This went on for quite some time, until I admitted defeat, abandoned my poor deformed teddy, and stalked out of the shop, leaving behind a trail of white wadding material, and looking as if I had been attacked by a large hairy white dog. 'I changed my mind' I said to the football shirt assistant as I sailed past, well it would give her something to do when she had finished playing with the 1" footie boots.


  1. These are both adorable Enfys, you have done a grand job!

  2. OMG!! Well is this just isn't the sweetest set of creations!! That cherry is so creative and that fun froggie is just precious!! Love them both!! TFS! ;)

  3. Both your cards are lovely!
    I also love your story on Build a Bear! LOL, I can picture her face when she sees the mess! I don't blame you one bit! at least you tried.

  4. The cards are absolutely adorable, but I was rolling on the floor laughing my *** off at your bear story. I have two little ones so I'm all too familiar with your experience! I would have left as soon as she said "no time" but I think it's better that you left her with something to clean up!


  5. LOL, that is such a funny story! Your cards are So Adorable!!!!

  6. Che bella la card a ciliege!!! un'idea davvero simpatica ed originale

  7. Fabulous cards! I especially love the frog, brilliant! and =D
    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words! =)
    Hugs, SannaS

  8. Wauw both cards are so sweet and lots of work.

  9. These are so awesome girl. I just love these. And I would love to do this challenge, but I do not own one fruit stamp, and I do not have anything to cut one out:(

  10. En I have to stop reading your posts I sit here and giggle and my OH just looks at me as if I have gone mad. I can so picture the scene I tried stuffing one of them things, but I was rescued. I would love to have been a fly on the wall when she saw the mess you left for her!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Makes you wonder I thought we were supposed to be in a recession and people would be fallin over backwards to help?

    Anyway down to the cards, that Frog is just soo cute, and those cherries are brilliant such fun cards.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Beccy xx

  11. Both your cards are great Enfys, but especially like the froggy. Even better is the teddy bear story. I'm so glad other people have these misadventures although I don't think I would have been as glamorous in dealing with it as you. I would probably just have paid for them and fled!!!!
    Good on you.
    Have a Great Weekend!!


  12. Gorjus cards Enfys. love that cute frog and those cherries look scrummy.

    Love Karen x

  13. Wow En these are both great, I really love how you have made that cute little frog.
    Your teddy story had me in stitches, I can jus picture it.

  14. wow both stunning creations hun I adore the chery card you have done such a brilliant job with them love how the cherry pops out lots love cheryl xxx

  15. I just cried laughing! I would have paid good money to see you in that bear shop.

  16. Lovely, lovely work!!! You're soooo creative!!

    Saskia :)

  17. These two cards are so awesome! BR-T

  18. the frog card is darling.

    Enjoyed reading your bear story. There is NO excuse for the salesclerk to tell you she was too busy to help. I'm so sorry you didn't get your bears as planned. I would of walked out too.

    We have "Build a Bear" here in AZ and they are such fun. They also have the bears on-line to purchase PLUS all the cute little outfits.

  19. CUTE froggy card, and love the fruit!!!

  20. Oh Enfys.. I wish I could do the challenge. Someday I hope to be able to do them.. now isn't a good time for me.. I know you will have so many people doing it. You are so awesome. Love your little frog.

  21. Hi Enfys, Cute cards...
    I did manage to go to a craft store at Singapore... Didn't have much of a budget really, but I wanted to get the Cuttlebug (so did my husband), but they didn't have it in stock... I will need to wait till my next trip somewhere I guess.


  22. Enfys love these cards, the swinging cherries are fantastic and the frog looks good enough if kissed would turn into Prince Charming (wishful thinking).

    Hillarious story about the bears, my two boys made bears a few years ago and they are so cute, can't believe she told you to do it yourself, so am glad you left a mess for her to clean up.

    Kaye x

  23. Fabulous cherry card and a wonderful frog card!
    Bear Factory sounds like fun!
    Carole x

  24. Love the cherry card, what a great idea, and I just love frogs too!


  25. Great cards! I love your teddybear storage... great customer service, eh? I wouldn't done the same thing!

  26. OMG! The Chery card is soooooo cute.
    Ok- you convinced me - let m emake a fruit card and a hidden element! Sounds like fun!


  27. What a great "bear" story ... made me laugh out loud. I will do my best to enter the Polkadoodles challenge, even though I'm a little 'stumped' on the hidden element bit. xx

  28. Enfys... you are so creative! I love looking at the stuff you make. Thank you so much for sharing your work and talent with all of us. You help us find our creativity and inspire us to create!
    I wanted to stop by and let you know that I am giving your blog an award. You can come over to my blog and pick it up. Thank you again for sharing your love of crafts, cards and all things paper! :)

  29. Love, love, love the frog. Oh that is so cute! The cherries made my mouth start to water. I love bing cherries. The story about the Build-a-Bear had me rolling. I laughed so hard I had tears. I had that same problem with trying to stuff a black lab but the sales lady rushed over to help me and did it for me. It turned out fantastic. Hubby loved it and our labs are rather confused as to why it doesn't move but it barks!

  30. Love both of these En, but froggy has won my heart, the only fruit I've got is the strawberries in the fridge,lol. Is it the shop in Touchwood, I might go in there one day just to see what happens, I'd have taken the bear and all the stuffing and dropped it at her feet saying 'make time to clean this up' before walking out.


  31. Enfys, these cards are just too sweet for words. I can't decide if I love the cherries more or the darling little froggy. Just adorable!! :)


  32. I would do the same, walk out and then be sorry for the poor over stuffed bear,
    your cards are both the best, excellent, i didn't know you designed for this mag, hence your comment the other day on my fruity card, trouble is that papers old.janex

  33. These are both FANTASTIC...
    I love the cherry card...
    think I have to have the HK cartridge
    and the frog is way too cute...
    it's adorable :D

    Hugs Anja

  34. Oh En I get such a kick out of your posts! I can just see you covered in bear stuffing clutching the poor misshapen thing. Hilarious! Love your cards deary! Maybe now that all my company is gone and we're over the 4th I can get back to just doing some fun challenges. You're a great cheerleader. Hugs! D

  35. Hehehehehehehehehe!!!! Beer guts on bears!

    Love the cards - did see it in the mag - in fact I test myself every month to see if I can pick yours out and I win every time!!

  36. WOW these are fabulous - i love how you made the frog its an awesome idea and one i may have to case if you dont mind?

    Oh your story had me in stitches! Millies uncle on her fathers side made millie a bear from the bear factory but the recording isnt something i will share or she will ever hear! Its a shame because the teddy is so cute!
    Lol i wish i had been a fly on the wall when you were making that bear
    love tasha xx

  37. You are so talented. Your cards are always so beautiful. I love the frog you created. He's a doll. I hope you don't mind if I try to make one, too. I have certainly been inspired by you and others on the Cricut mb.




I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x