Tuesday 14 July 2009

Dustin Pike Card and Polkadoodles Design Team Call

Here's another design team call for you, Nikky on Polkadoodles is looking for someone to join the existing team - all detail below
Here's another Dustin Pike image, I have been asked to make some children's cards and thought this image would fit the bill
The sentiment is a stamp by Hero Arts, papers are unknown from a huge pile that lurks anonymously in my little crafty cupboard. The 'brads' are card candy from Craftwork cards

We have had some very soggy days in the UK this week, but today the sun is shining, the birds are tweeting, the roses are beautiful and there are big black clouds looming on the horizon, so we better embrace today whilst the sun continues to shine
I am going for my eye test this afternoon, a procedure that always leaves me a bit disorientated. They are so QUICK. 'which is better, the left or the right?' they say, whipping lenses in and out at lightening speed. I need time to think about this, in fact I should probably go and read a few chapters of War and Peace so that I can make up my mind. 'Is the red light brighter, or the green?' they ask, pressing me for an immediate answer. Well now, I think the red one might be a bit brighter, but there again, I am not sure, the green one looks pretty bright as well..........
By now there is definitely an air of impatience creeping into the room, and ever anxious to please I give them the answers I think they want to hear. Which last time resulted in £££ being spent on a pair of specs that I can't really read with.


  1. what a cheeky monkey, great card en, will check out this dt call. janex

  2. The day out was yesterday, we went to llangolan and walked the great Thomas telford acquaduct, quite scary. I've just emailed dustin pike. janex

  3. I just love these little cuppie cake monkeys. But I have to tell you that the sweet things on your sidebar look way more appetizing. All those little cheeser grins. I just love little toes and big smiles!

  4. HIHI love the monkey cake yummie.
    bye bye,Lean

  5. I love this monkey, he is the most adorable thing. And this card is fabulous.
    I know about eye examines,Can you see this, look up, look down. Here they started a new procedure about 4 years ago where they take a picture of your eyeballs, and see if there are changes in the blood vessels.

  6. OMG!! How fun!! What an adorable card!! I just love your sweet coloring and the image is too fun!! ;) HUGS

  7. What a wonderful card with such a lovely monkey!
    Hugs Gisela

  8. Excellent card for a kid! Love the sentiment too lol. Know what you mean about opticians! and they seem to get younger and quicker every year! or are we getting slower and older lol.

  9. i just love that image! little monkey is adorable! great card, enfys! hugs!

  10. great card! Love that monkey. Super cute!

  11. The card is fantastic En! I love that image and the sentiment cracks me up! Good luck with the eye exam. I know exactly what you mean. I just make them re-do it several times until I can tell a difference. Make them work for it :)

  12. What a beautiful card Enfys,l love the image and colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  13. Cute cute... you are just so creavite.. So true about the eye test, I know exactly how you feel

  14. What a great card Enfys, any child would love receiving this. He's such a cheeky chappy!
    Had to laugh at the description of your eye exam, being as blind as a bat I know exactly what you mean. I now have no reading vision in one eye but they still insist on showing me a huge letter while covering up my good eye, maybe they are hoping for miracles!!!!!


  15. Fantastic card Enfys.Perfect for a kiddie.Love all your recent cards.Sorry I've been MIA.
    Cass xxx

  16. What a cutie. I love cupcakes, too! In fact, I'm pretty sure I've looked just like that monkey as I've gone after a cake.

    Jo xx

  17. He's great for boys cards En. I know a few cheeky monkeys who he'd be perfect for.

  18. What a brilliant image Enfys. He is so cheeky. Beautiful colouring and your layout is fab. I had to smile at the brilliant sentiment.
    Sharon xx

  19. oh wow that monkey is so cute yet so cheeky. Great card for a cheeky little boy I reckon.

    Kaye x

  20. how adorable Enfys!! Love the monkey taking what's his!! lol You're always such an inspiration!!

  21. what an adorable monkey and great kd card love it

  22. Super cute childs card - love the image and its perfect for those cheeky monkeys. The reason the optician pushes you so quickly is they are trying to catch people out like me whom try and fake the eye tests just towear glasses lol (thats my theory) Every 6 months it happens - i pretend i cant see and he says Miss Beasley we do have frame with plain lenses if you desire to wear glasses so much!but i would feel vain wearing fake ones lol hehehe
    love tasha xx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x