Monday 1 June 2009

Cute Daisy May - Embossing

More papers from the We R Memory Keepers stack for this one. The challenge this week is to use embossing on your card, so of course, out comes my trusty cuttlebug. I think this folder is called tiny bubbles. The label shapes were cut with my nestabilities and the birthday letters are from a box I got on clearance in Michaels - it was all sellotaped together, and when I opened it there are about a dozen different alphas in there, hundreds of letters all crammed in, so what a bonus. To join in with the Cute Daisy May challenge, you don't even need to use a Daisy May image, just make sure there is some embossing on your card. Sorry about the flash on the card, bright light and photography doesn't go together for me.
There is a blog hop going on at Bitten By The Bug this week, blog candy being given away at loads of the design team sites, join in and have some fun, and a good chance of winning some goodies, plus some fabulous cards to see along the way. I didn't join in with this one, as I am 'on call' to dash down to London when my new little grandson decides he is ready to make his appearance into the world.
In the meantime, to save my nervous 'jumping out of my skin every time the phone goes' I am off to jetwash the patio. I LOVE using a power washer, it's so satisfying to see all that grunge wash away, must be pretty much on a par with the job satisfaction a dentist gets, although on balance I would prefer to blast stones than teeth.............


  1. Great card I love the Letters .This would be Fab for a teenager!!!I am really busy this week to do any challengers I am spring cleaning a room a day.Today was the conservatory my arms are killing me lol.
    Hope you are well.
    Love shelley xx

  2. Wow great card :D
    Love your blog (as you already know :P)

    so I have an award for you... take a look on my blog :)

    hope your new grandson will be here soon!!

    Hugs Anja
    Be smart, make art.


    Enfys you have an award! Please come to my blog and pick it up!!

  4. Fab teen card En, I love the colours you have used and ooooh dots (I just luv em). Looking forward to hearing of the arrival of your new Grandson.
    Max x

  5. This is gorgeous, Enfys!!!
    Peet x

  6. I don´t no how you do it,but al your cards are so it.

  7. hey this one kind of looks like my kiddo! TFS I love your stuff. Where do you sell it at? Do you have an Etsy shop?

  8. What a pretty card, such a sweet image and lovely details.
    Carole x

  9. what a fun card En, great letters

  10. great card love the image xxx

  11. Perfect teenager card, lovely details :)
    Oooh! don't mention the D word...Guess where i went at 5.15....yep the hygenist for a scale and polish and upstairs to the dentist for my check and 2 x-rays....came away £72 lighter!!!!

    Carol x

  12. Grteat teenage card hun, and what fab papers you have used
    Hugs Jacqui x

  13. Super Cute! Your creations are so detailed.. I love your work! Stop by my blog if you get a chance. I've got an award for you!

  14. Awesome fun card En!! Great job, I love it! ;)



  15. Great card - Enfys you are so funny..

  16. Another lovely work by you. Gosh, I'd say we should get together some time when in are in Hudson, but between you and me - I also end up taking many "scenic routes", anyway that's what my friends call some of my little jaunts. LOL

  17. Great work as always En

  18. Hi Enfys, I hope the jet washing is going well, I did mine about a month ago, as you say its nice to see them clean.
    I love your card, its definately one you could use for a teenager, bright and a really lovely image. Well done love and hugs Shirleyxxx

  19. Beautiful card again Enfys and I love your embossing and the colours together are great.
    Hugs Linda

  20. Oh how cute that is! I like what you did with the thread and button!


  21. Beautiful card! I have an award for you on my blog (I know, you must have them coming out of your ears!)

  22. Fabulous card En - hope you enjoyed power washing the patio, very satisfying!
    Ann x

  23. OMG!! This is just too cute!! I love your texture!! ;)

  24. wow so much detail on this stunning card!
    vanessa xx

  25. Hi En, hope you and your family are well, baby and all. You did bring the sun with you. fab card, loving the new funky modern Daisy, clever you and clever Linnie.janex

  26. Gorgeous card En and I bet you are so excited what with one gorgeous grandson making an appearance and waiting for another...How fab!
    I can totally sympathies with you on the power washer because I have a bad obsession with cleanliness and this gives so much pleasure (how sad am I)?or maybe I am just easy to please.....right lol
    Lana x

  27. So cute! Love the color combo! I am always scared of trying to put colors together but you always do so well!

  28. Fabulous Enfys!
    The embossing looks great, I also like the way you arranged the letters at the bottom! Great card!
    Blessings, Maria

  29. This is gorgeous, and I love how you did the lettering. Hope your grandson gets here soon. :)

  30. Great cards ...... as usual :)

    Hop on over to my blog when you have time, a little something there for you :)

  31. Hi En...such a cute this image and your colour scheme,
    hope you had fun jet washing!,
    San x

  32. Hi, I loved your cute daisy embossed cards and planning to try them. Recently, while searching the internet, I came across Acorn Sales (, a marking company which offered an impressive range of creative embossers and stamps. I placed an order for a custom embosser with them and received it within a few days. My new embosser works great, and has helped me add a personalized touch to all my things.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x