Monday 4 May 2009

Sketch Challenge for Cute Daisy May

The design team on Cute Daisy May were asked to follow a sketch, hop over there to see the challenge and join in. I love this little image and coloured her in with copics, the sentiment sort of fell into place as I assembled the card. I added some pretty flowers, and was pleased with the end result this time.
I have been busy making 'stuff' for Kiki's dolls house that she had for Christmas. I decided to get some polymer clay and make some little dishes and bowls. Now I had no idea of scale at all, but have bought a few pieces of furniture too, so used that as my base line. The first attemps were pathetic, they just looked like lumps of clay (well, they WERE just lumps of clay), they were also very big, although when I was making them I thought they were so tiny, as far as scale goes, imagine a bowl of flowers that's bigger than your sofa....I think even a four year old would notice that something was not quite right. However, all is not lost, I have the perfect solution, it's called Ebay where you can buy little diddy stuff already made and in perfect proportion. I have also been looking for a present to take to her when her baby brother is born, I thought a baby boy doll would be good. Good grief, they are so UGLY, and noisy too. One brand of dolls all started crying everytime I walked past, they must have had a motion sensor or something. It would drive everyone nuts. I do hope my baby grandson doesn't look or sound like these dolls!


  1. You are truly a hoot! I love the new card. She's beautiful. I'd give a lot to see the monster bowl of flowers as well. when is the new baby due?

  2. wow! I like your cards! Thanks for leaving such a kind comment on my blog! I will be back to see your amazing creations. :-)

  3. Just adorable! I'm lovin' the green & yellow together!

  4. What a sweet card!! Congrats on the new grandbaby. Also, there's several of your latest cards that I didn't get to comment but I did see and love them all!! TFS!!

  5. Lovely card - fabulous colouring your shading is so good.

    Beccy x

  6. great card En, love the zesty colours and the sweet sentiment.janex

  7. Enfys, what a gorgeous card, all these cute daisy may designs must remind you of Kiki. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when you were making your clay items they sound hillarious. When are both your little grandchildren due?

  8. I adore that image....{note to self, go buy image}... It looks a lot like Kiki... Simply gorgeous. Yellow and green are too cute together...

  9. She is adorable! Love that dress - I remember my mom dressing us girls up for church in our frilly dresses. This card is way too CUTE!!

  10. Your card is gorgeous Enfys, love the pretty colours!

  11. En I just love reading your posts! You're hilarious! Love this beautiful card too. She sure looks like KIKI. xxD

  12. Oh so sweet!! Just love the fun colors and sparkle!! :)

  13. great colours on this card En! very summery, loving the house mouse card below also!! stunning as always!
    Hope you had a fab weekend....
    Justine x

  14. Love this image and your design Enfys....where did you get the flowers? They look almost translucent...

  15. Well Enfys all I can say is Kiki's mum is not going to be very happy if you buy her a doll that crys shes not going to know if its the baby or the doll, plus which it will probably wake it up anyway. I think you are enjoying making giant dolls house bits and pieces, been there done that myself. Anyway I love your card, Daisy May is gorgeous and so very sunny. Love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  16. Enfys you amaze me everytime I come and see your art! You are truly an inspiration!! Hopefully one day my work will be half as awesome as yours!!! Can you tell me one you have the entire collection of copics or a certain set? I've been looking at them but lost as to which ones to get and I don't think I can get every single one of them right now lol can you give me a tip at which ones are MUST HAVES...especially for the house mouse, happy hoppers and gruffies stamps?


  17. Thanks for visiting me recently -I love receiving your comments. Unfortunately I have never heard of Doodlecuts. My heart is actually a recycled gift tag! I don't have many materials and often end up recycling elements from cards and presents I receive -in fact my family and friends hang onto everything they receive for me to pick and pore over!
    Please, how did you create the "are my sunshine" wording?

  18. Oh what a beautiful card, such a pretty image.

  19. This is so sweet, Enfys!!
    Such a gorgeous card!!

  20. Such a beautiful image and colouring Enfys, I love the zingy colour scheme, Big Hugs, Nikki x

  21. Your card is adorable! I love the colors and the flowers. Congratulations on your new Grandson!

  22. This card is beautiful, I love this image and love all the extras you put into this, just fabulous.

  23. Hi Enfys - what a brilliant post. Love the card you have made and also love your "dolls house" refurb story.

    Reminds me of when me and my Sis used to make things. It was always Christmas in our dolls house and we used to use a little Christmas tree that was really a cake decoration!! We loved our little house - but I don't think everything was in proportion in ours either.

    Catch you again soon.

    Love Jules xx

  24. Adorable card Enfys...fab colours..
    Hope you had a great Bank Holiday weekend:)♥

  25. Enfys, I love the lemon-lime colors! So sunny and happy! When my granddaughter was going to have a baby brother, I bought a girl doll and dressed it in boy clothing! I couldn't find a boy doll that I liked. Well, needless to say, she immediately undressed it and put girl clothes on it!

  26. cute card, lovely bright colours

  27. So many gorgeous cards since my last visit hunny. I love this cute daisy may card especially. Those little girls are just adorable! hope you have a good evening, hugs Linda x

  28. This is soooo totally cute Enfys - I love it!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  29. En...don't say I didn't warn you about the baby dolls.

    Your card is very pretty. My middle daughter would love that stamp.

  30. Hello Enfys, I had a question for you. I am really new to all of these wonderful stamps that everyone uses, could you please tell me where I should start for collecting and what are your favorite stamps? I really love the magnolia stamps and would like to know where to get them at a reasonable price. I want to make cards with pretty stamps and just need to know where to start. Thank you

  31. Just adorable!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x