Monday, 15 September 2008

Flower Frame Card from Pooh for BBTB

This week the design team were asked to use the flower frame from the Pooh and Friends cartridge. The diversity of designs was amazing. Take a look HERE
I used Bo Bunny papers and cut the frame at 3", scattered some liquid pearls about and cut a butterfly from the Storybook cartridge.

It can be quite entertaining to be a Brit living part-time here in the USA. The nice thing is that everyone loves our accent - I can be talking absolute rubbish as usual, and everyone hangs on to every word because of the accent. I find that if I say 'Cheerio' everyone loves it, so I say it often just for effect - never say it back in the UK! I do get asked the same questions over and over again, in stores, coffee shops, hairdressers, so here is my list of frequently asked questions, FAQ's and the answers:
FAQ #1 What is the Queen Really Like? - Well, like most of her loyal subjects, I have never actually met the Queen. However, just in case she is reading this blog, Hi Liz, I'll be round at four, can we skip tea and meet at Starbucks, make mine a large latte.
FAQ#2 Is Charles really Happy with Camilla? - Who knows, who cares?
FAQ#3 Do we really eat kidneys - Well yes, we do. If you have never tasted steak and kidney pie, you are missing out on one of the great gastronomic delights of life. The trick is to ignore what the former function was of whatever you are eating - a bit like not thinking about cows when you are munching into a Big Mac.
FAQ#4 How do we get around with all that fog? - Tip: Stop reading Charles Dickens and maybe take up Harry Potter instead. We stopped having fog when they passed a clean air act about 60 years ago. Now we just have rain instead, you're right about that.
I won't go into the Diana conspiracy theories or whether Tony Blair is a nice man....................So there you go, everything everybody wants to know about the UK, cheerio for now


  1. Hi Enfys. Just wanted to say that I love this card... also love the british accent - thanks for the faq's!

  2. I love the layers and colors of your card. I got a total kick out of your little q&a.....give me more!! LOL!!

  3. Ha classic questions! I was asked on an airplane back from America, a few years ago now, what was Diana really like? (She was alive then!) I said the last time I saw her she was fine, but she could be a bit of a pain sometimes because she couldn't always meet me in town when I wanted due to her security guard not liking me much. The person asking me hung on my every word!!
    Anice xx

  4. Very cute I really like the black pearls! Your G&AS are hilarious;) I cant believe people ask things like that.
    Terria :)

  5. I saw this on BBTB and ohhh it is fabulous - just my thing. I LOVE it xxxx

    Had a little titter re our accent. We must all sound like Dick van Dyke - cor blimey!!! Now I love accents on others but I'm not keen on mine. Even though I dont think I have one, I always get asked 'are you from Liverpool?' Well I don't have a scouse accent really, and especially not to a proper scouser, but to anyone living more than 40 miles away, I suppose I have a bit of a twang. I lived in Wigan years ago and they used to find it quite amusing (!!!) We were in a pub once (well more than once actually lolxxx) and there had been a typo on one of the songs on the juke box (God how old does that make me sound and do they still have them??) and instead of Barry White it said Barry Whote. Now it is not remotely funny, but after a bacardi and coke or 3, it just made me giggle. But the more I said Whote (they said it like wart) the more they laughed and did the 'calm down calm down' voice. And this was before Harry Enfield - hee hee. I took it well lol xxx Oh sorry En, I've rambled a bit love xxxxxx

  6. A-mazing card. This is super special. That really is a fantasy of a butterfly.

  7. Enfys I obviously visit your blog to see your amazing creations (fab card), but i so love reading your very funny stories and love your sense of humour!
    Lana x

  8. Great card. Love the colors and the embellishments.

  9. I am a Liverpudlian living in California. I get asked the same questions all the time and I have lived in the USA for 29 years. I think the fog theory came from Sherlock Holmes movies. :)

  10. so funny. I get the same thing while I am traveling in the states! LOL Especially when I am in the south, everyone just loves my New York accent! "wealll just luvh the way you taulk" the more they tell me that the more I pour it on!
    tfs your story!

  11. I am a Liverpudlian living in California and I get asked the same questions. I think the fog theory comes from Sherlock Holmes movies :)

  12. Oh I love this, it's soooo pretty!

    I'm hoping to have mine done soon. I asked Sharon to make the cut for me but it must have gotten lost in the mail as I should have had it by now. She's making another one for me, hope to have it soon.

    Anyway, yours is beautiful, love the colors and the sentiment is so sweet!

    Hugs, Nikki

    PS - love your FAQs!

  13. Heheheheh!! DO they really ask all those questions?!! You should ask if Regan was a good President or if they have met Mickey Mouse!!

  14. Opps - sorry forgot to say that the card is fantastic!!

  15. Enfys, this is very nice. I really like the colors you chose!

  16. Those facts are hilarious, Enfys! You just made my day, my Friend!

    I love, love, love this card; I am going to try and get this cartridge so I can make this frame. Isn't it the very best? I just adore it and I truly appreciate you letting us know what size you used; that helps a lot!

  17. OMG I love your blog its fabulous I am off to have a proper nosy...and to add you to my blog roll too

  18. This was so much fun to read~! Awesome card colors!!

  19. That is a really neat card! That is also really funny that you get asked all those questions (: I visited London 13 years ago and I really loved it.

  20. love the card Enfys and love your funny stories and what gets me all the time when folk ask me where in Scotland I come from (and excuse me but I get this from English people too) and I say Aberdeen...they say "oh we met a couple last year on holiday who live in Aberdeen .."do you know them?"....excuse me it's a city not a two bit horse town with three houses. Or is that in Glasgow? And a bit of name dropping here.....I did meet Diana and she was even more beautiful in real life and a lovely lady....just like chatting to your friend....still think about her.

  21. Fab card, En! Great FAQs, too! lol ;o)

    Chris xx


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x