Monday 8 September 2008

BOO! Halloween Card

The challenge on Papertake weekly this week is Autumn. I started to think of russet coloured leaves...........then when I was rummaging through my stamps, found this one from last year which I had never used. The witches feet were a dollar bin find in Michaels. I cut the word BOO at 2" using the stamped cartridge and did lots of random wobbly stitching (yes, this time it was deliberate!) Papers are by Heidi Grace.


  1. ooh love those spooky shoes En xxx Hope you are ok and not too jet lagged. It hasnt spoilt your creative thing this trans Atlantic travelling cos I love this, and also your froggy card. Fabulous xxx

  2. Love this Enfy's such a cute card !

  3. Great card - bet you are spoilt for choice with Halloween goodies in Florida you lucky lady!
    Sam x

  4. Yelp..., I love your card and oh those witch's shoes. I actually picked that stamp up at Michael's but I foolishly put it back. You've inspired me, Enfys.

  5. It looks like Winnie the Witch and her fabulous crazy coloured stockings. Oh nostalgie is a wonderful thing. Great card, Enfys.
    Love, SammieJay

  6. It looks like Winnie the Witch and her fabulous crazy coloured stockings. Oh nostalgie is a wonderful thing. Great card, Enfys.
    Love, SammieJay

  7. Great card! Great name for your Grandson too. My 6 month old is called Max. Pascalex

  8. This is great! Love the shoes stamp! Thanks for joining us for the challenge! x

  9. This is such a fun card Enfys!!!
    Love the little stamp and the colours are perfect!
    Lana x

  10. Hehehheh!! Oh to have shoes like that!!

  11. wow what a fabulous stamp Enfys and love the colour combo - very halloween....such a cute card

  12. Love it! The wobbly stitches, the colors, that cute stamp! It's adorable!

  13. What a great card! I can't believe those witch feet were in the dollar bin! They are great! I love your layout!

  14. You never used that stamp! Aack!! Glad you found it. too cute :)

  15. ooh just loove Halloween

  16. Enfys, this is sooo cute! Love it!

  17. LOL I love this!


  18. Adorable! I love the shoes and the layout is just perfect!

  19. Love that $1 stamp from M's! You've created such a lovely card using it. tfs

  20. Fabulous card! I just love the image - too cute

    hugs Bev x

  21. Oh my! I love this one too - those witches feet are great. I wish we had a dollar bin with such great finds!!

  22. Beautiful card, fitts great for the autumn. Halloween is perfect! Why didn't I think of it??? Great colors, love it. Love from Holland,

  23. Enfys this is a beautiful card, love the stamp, its so cool and that boo looks fab! Jillix

  24. I think this one is my favorite!! And I have to agree Enfys it does make it nicer not to have to type in the gobbledygook! LOL

  25. I would love the magazine! This is a great blog. I think your cards are fabulous - I have seen some of your cards previously.
    Thanks for having this drawing.
    Sharon (scrappyone)

  26. I just love your cards. You do such beautiful work. I have saved quite a few of your cards on my favorites list. Keep up the good work. You inspire us all.

  27. I am new to this blog stuff. I just got mine setup today. I did a comment but couldn't find it. I am doing it again. I would love for my name to be put in the drawing for the book (magazine). I love coming to your site and looking at your cards. You inspire us all. I have saved quite a few of your cards to my favorites. Thank you so much for your ideas.

  28. I love your designs. I subscribe to your blog and see them daily. I would love to get the Christmas idea book because, I am in a mental slump. I would love to have your creativity. Enter Me, and thanks in advance

  29. Beautiful cards! I love your halloween ones. Nice blog too! Please add me to your rak. My message board name is vjbeads. My name is Valerie. Thanks so much! Oh I am from the cricut mb.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x