Saturday, 30 August 2008

Male Birthday

Here's a male birthday card for a friend who likes his vino. I am pleased with the way the embossing folder has given this card a rustic woody sort of feel. Click on the main picture to get a better view, some of the details don't show up too well. I covered the bottles and glass in Diamond Glaze.
I had the unusual experience today of going to buy Papercraft Inspirations (must get my subscription sorted out :) ) and seeing my cards on the cover of the magazine. I was so proud, I stopped for a coffee and read it all cover to cover, waiting for someone I knew to walk past so that I could show them......................nobody did. I had just been to get my hair done as well. Yesterday, when I looked like a witch I bumped into a chap I had been at school with. He told his wife laughingly that he had a huge crush on me when we were fourteen. She sniggered and looked totally disbelieving. Yes, well you should have met me today girlie, with new hair, full make up AND stuff in a magazine.


  1. Great card, and well done you!! Will look out for the Papercraft Inspirations if it's out. Funny isn't it how we always bump into people when our hair is a haystack and no slap on .. and when we're feeling worth it there's no one to see for miles around LOL!!
    pauline x

  2. Enfys, it was so wonderful to learn that you are featured in Papercraft Inspirations. I will look out for that mag...can't wait to see your wonderful creations. And isn't it ALWAYS the case to run into someone when we are not looking our best. Congrats, girl.

  3. What a rude lady...doesn't she know who you are.... you've been published....great card Enfys and hey that really does look like wood....enjoy the rest of your weekend

  4. That really does look woody and fab En - loving your work girl xxx And as for the lady, well she was no doubt jealous cos she knew in her heart that you were a godess - and a published one at that lol xxxx It does always happen like that though doesn't it - when you are all spruced up you don't bump into a soul, but dash into Sainsbury's withough your face on and in your scruff and you meet everyone!! Or my 'fave' - when my house is tidy and my card stuff all sorted and neat, nobody comes, but the minute I get stuck in and it starts to look like a hamster's cage, then the world and his wife turn up!!! I think they call it sod's law xxxxxx

  5. Fab card Enfys, love the embossing it looks just like wood!!
    Ditto everything everyone else has said! The house tidy thing especially. No one ever visits when it's sqeaky clean and smelling great, only when it looks like stig of the dumps' dump and smells like a wet dog!!
    It makes me feel so much better because I thought this only happened to me!
    Will you be doing a 'signing' of your Papercrafts issue in Smiths? Gosh, I know someone famous!!
    Well done and well deserved Enfys.


  6. fab card Enfys that cb embossing is perfect fot the card! ooh I'll have to check the shops today for the magazine after i've done my hair! I know what you mean about being caught out! lol! Congrats to you!!

  7. Great story En, that's what's call sod's law!!!
    Great card as well, and fab news on the front cover!! How brilliant for you :)

    Carol x

  8. hehehe that made me laugh that's always when you meet people when you look not at your best- will get my mag tommorrow- can't wait to see your cards and tell everyone I know you
    ps fab card by the way

  9. Thanks for sharing this "male" card...I find it really hard to make them. Really appreciate it!

  10. Such a great story! I can SO see it! And it's ALWAYS an old boyfriend,too!!! Congratulations on your publication! I will be sure to pick it up right away! Looking forward to seeing you in Orlando.

  11. Wow great card.
    Can I ask where you got the stamps, my sil loves wine and they are so nice.
    Happy Crafting

  12. Heheheheheh!!! At least you didn't have your dress tucked in your kickers!

    The article is fab and I've shown everyone who would be interested that I 'know' you!!!

    Great embossing too - I thought it was real until I read your description!


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x