Thursday, 31 July 2008

Blog Award

I got this Wylde Women blog award from Dawny - thanks Dawny. I am passing it on to some blogging friends, Julie, Lana, Jozza and Allison
I also got tagged by QueenDavia and I am supposed to write all sorts of facts about myself that are going to bore you rigid, so stop reading NOW
10 Years ago I was ----- working full time, had never heard of rubber stamping, cardmaking or scrapbooking, longing to give up work but wondering what I would do with myself when I did - well, we all know the answer to that!
5 things on todays to do list ------ make a card, make a card, make a card, make a card, make a card
Snacks I enjoy ------ as if anybody would be interested in my gastronomic delights, so I'll pass on this one, but will give a honorable mention to Dunkin Donuts iced caramel latte. Make mine a large one please.
Things I would do if I was a millionaire ------- Invest wisely and make a billion
Places I have lived -------Wales, Yorkshire, West Midlands and Hudson, Florida
Hey, are you still here? Still awake?


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x