Tuesday 24 June 2008

Paint the Town Red - female card

The stamp here is by Penny Black, and the background is the city scene from Going Places cut at 4", then shadowed in gold mirri card. I did a bit of paper piecing, stamped the girl on white then again on pink spotty paper.The sentiment is computer generated, and should read paint the town pink given the colours, but it didn't have the same ring! The city background shows up really well against the black card, so I am pleased with the card.

My honey flies home today, arriving back in the UK tomorrow morning, so today will be a whirlwind of tidying and cleaning the house, making it look as if I have been the perfect housewife for three weeks instead of doing non-stop crafting!


  1. That mirri card works brilliantly! Excellent card, En! Bet you'll be pleased to see Mike again tomorrow. Have fun! ;o)

    Heather xx

  2. this card is great, love how you did the buildings, glad to hear that your honey will be back home today.

  3. Great Card Enfys - got that stamp and love it....need your help - pop over to my blog for the details. May be busy for a while now that hubby is home...nudge..nudge but when you can


  4. how very sex and the city i love it! saw ur blog in the Q&C magazine so thought i'd drop by and i must say ur blog is stunning!

  5. This is gorgous that mirri card really does look awesome !! bet your glad to have your honey home !! Hope your daughter is feeling much better !!

  6. Great card Enfys. I love the city scene and how it looks lit up!

  7. The gold lining around the city puts WOW in the card.


I love reading your comments, thank you for taking the time
Enfys x