Friday, 3 July 2020

New Artwork......

I was contacted by Photowall to see if I would review their products here. I browsed the site and was blown away with the variety of prints available. Quite often, companies that offer canvas or framed prints have a very limited selection of reproduction Old Masters or old posters, but Photowall have a wide selection of really original artwork - thousands to choose from. I enlisted the help of family and friends to help me choose (a good lockdown exercise!) and, funnily enough, every single one had BRUSSELS at the top of their list, so this was my choice, a large canvas of a street scene in Brussels (entitled 'Brussels'), I have this dark plum wall in my dining room and I knew this would be perfect.
Close runner up was a fabulous collage of Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany, but Brussels you like it?

If you really want to make a statement, they do (as the name suggests) prints that will cover the whole of a feature wall, I am toying with the idea of a forest scene in my bathroom

Photowall have offered a discount of 25% off any of their products for readers of Going Buggy. Go HERE to browse the range, and use the code enfyspw25 at checkout - they mail worldwide and the discount is applicable for all countries

I am still a bit mojo-less in all this isolation business and finding it really difficult to get back into the swing of cardmaking. On the other hand, I am now a jigsaw champion!

I can't quite believe that not only am I wasting hours and hours looking for the missing bit of a cats tail, but I am actually taking photos of completed jigsaws and sharing them with you as if they are original works of art! 

See you soon xx